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Guar Meal Korma(MIGK)
Guar Korma mainly constitutes germ part of Guar seed. It is 100% NON GMO plant obtained protein source for Animal feed rations. Guar Korma(GK) with its balanced amino acid profile and high protein and energy content complements with other ingredients to create balanced feed products.

Guar Korma also functions as a widely accepted alternative to expensive Soy proteins in poultry & cattle feeds..Another advantage Guar Korma is non reactive and has free flowing property, therefore it can be stored in Silos and can be transported hassle free. Guar Korma is free from Salmonella, E.coli and Aflatoxin. Our product has extended shelf life of 24 months.

Specification :
Guar Meal Korma: (HS CODE : 13023210)
Appearance Coarse Granular Form

Moisture 10% ± 2.0%
Crude Protein 48% ± 2.0%
Oil 5% ± 1.0%
Fiber 8% ± 2%
Ash 5% ± 1.0%
Salmonella, Aflatoxin, E.Coli Not detected

In spite of being high protein source the inclusion level of traditional Guar Korma is very low in animal rations due to presence of few Anti nutritional Factors(ANFs).

Therefore we specialize in producing a value added product “Roasted Guar Korma”
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